Welcome to my website !

Hello! This website is my personal website, it will have whatever I want on here. This website is written with sveltekit and tailwindcss, and kept as simple as possible. I'm probably not going to post much to my blog, but I'll put whatever I think is cool on here.

Right now while writing this, the only thing I'm planning on putting on the blog is my adventure into post quantum cryptography. Oh! By the way, this website is hosted on Nginx built with OpenSSL 3.0 with oqsprovider. That means that if you have it enabled in Chrome or Firefox (I think almost all major browsers support it), you are probably connected to this website in a way that future quantum computers will not be able to break (assuming that kyber isn't broken in the future somehow). All though there's no need for that on a website like this one, it is pretty cool to know!

I'll have more details on that in the blog post, if I ever get around to writing it + finishing this website!